City of Haysville

NOTICE: It is unlawful to open City Manholes. If you see anyone opening a City manhole, please notify the Police Department or the Public Works Department immediately.
The City of Haysville is not affiliated with and does not endorse or regulate any company offering or providing water or sewer line insurance.
The Wastewater Department is responsible for maintaining and servicing approximately 40 miles of sanitary sewer lines and 980 manholes.
Our Wastewater Department is also responsible for the operation and maintenance of the City’s treatment facility. On average, the wastewater facility treats 650,000 gallons every day, but is designed to treat up to 2 million gallons.
View and print our “Understanding the Wastewater Department” brochure here
View Haysville’s City Code regarding Water Utilities here
Sewer Tap Fees
The fee for a new connection to the Haysville wastewater system is $500.00.
Reporting a Sewer Back-Up:
During normal business hours, call Public Works at 529-5940.
After hours, on weekends or holidays, please call the Non-Emergency line at 529-5912.
**If you are having sewer problems and think you need a plumber, call the Haysville Wastewater Department first. The city can check our portion of the sewer system to determine if you truly need a plumber. This could save you time and money, and helps the Wastewater Department remain aware of possible problems in the area.**
Sewer Back-Ups
Municipalities generally are not liable for damages resulting from a sewer back up even if the back-up originates in the City’s line. Many insurance companies offer sewer and drain endorsements as a rider to a homeowner’s policy. This rider typically covers both a sanitary sewer backup and sump pump failure. Check with your insurance company for details.