City of Haysville
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- City of Haysville | D2D Business Licenses
Door-To-Door Licenses If you need a door-to-door business license, please click here
- City of Haysville | Forms
Forms by Department City Clerk All businesses in the City of Haysville must have a general business license. The initial fee is $10.00 with an annual renewal fee of $5.00. Certain types of businesses are also required to have a specialized business registration form. Applications are available at City Hall or by clicking on the underlined links below. General Business Registration/License Form General Business Registration Renewal Form Specialized Business Registration Forms Amusement Centers/ Billiards Halls/ Pool Halls Auctions Cereal Malt Beverage Licenses Corporate Application Firm or Partnership Application Individual Application Dances/ Dance Halls Door to Door Sales Drinking Establishments Fireworks Stands Fireworks Stand Application Fireworks Stand Application Instructions Fireworks Code for the City of Haysville Fireworks Display Permit for Sedgwick County Special Event Permit Application Special Event Permit with Alcohol Consumption Application (Sales) Special Event Permit with Alcohol Consumption Application Special Event Food Application Ice Cream Vendor Application Ice Cream Vendor Vehicle Safety Inspection Liquor Licenses - Retail Mobile Food Vendor License Application Mobile Home Parks Temporary RV Parking Permit Application Pawn Broker Private Club Refuse Hauler Refuse Haulers Application Refuse Haulers Application Instructions Sanitation Inspection Sheet Taxicab Taxicab Application Taxicab Application Instructions Water Leak Adjustment Request Request for Meter Calibration Temporary Portable Business License Application (required by any person authorized to sell food, flowers, non-alcoholic beverages or offer for sale goods, wares, merchandise or services) Temporary Sale from Commercial Property License (required for the sale of goods not generally associated with the commercial business or property) Other Licenses and Forms that can be obtained only at City Hall: Dog Registration Tag Garage Sale Permit Channel 7/Multimedia Media Message Request Planning/Zoning Conditional Use Permit Application Lot Split or Merge Application Sign Permits Sign Permit Application Temporary/Portable Sign Permit Application Vacation Request Application Wireless Communication Facility Application Zone Change Application Administrative Adjustment Applicatio n Consent Annexation Application Zone Change Protest Petition Sketch Plat Checklist Preliminary and/or Final Plat Application Appeals Application and Instructions Variance Application and Instructions Street Name Change Appli cation Police Vacation Watch Form Block Party Application Public W orks Building/Roofing/Siding Permit Fees Approach/Sidewalk Permit Application Plumbing Permit Application Electrical Permit Application Mechanical Permit Application Fence Permit Application Building Permit Roofing/Siding Permit Building Contractor License Applic ation Plumbing Contractor License Application Mechanical Contractor License Application Irrigation Contractor License Application Electrical Contractor License Application Drain Layer Contractor License Application Cement Contractor License Application Mobile Home Inspection Sheet Well Permit Excavation Permit Backflow Form Fillable Site Plan Checklist Utility Billing New and Transfer of Service Form Automatic Payment (ACH Debits) Agr eement E-billing Authorization Form Landlord Agreement Form
- City of Haysville | Water
Water For all questions or concerns regarding your water bill please contact City Hall at 529-5900. NOTICE: The City of Haysville is not affiliated with and does not endorse or regulate any company offering or providing water or sewer line insurance. Crews are performing upgrades on water meters around town. If you have any questions please call our office at 529-5940. The City of Haysville provides fresh, clean drinking water to the community by monitoring well production, maintaining the water treatment facility, water lines, water meters, and pumps. The water department is also responsible for reading the water meters, handling shut-off/turn-on requests and performing locates. View the 2022 Consumer Confidence Report here View the 2021 Consumer Confidence Report here View the 2020 Consumer Confidence Report here View the 2019 Consumer Confidence Report here View the 2018 Consumer Confidence Report here Backflow Report Fillable Version Water Hardness The hardness of Haysville's water is 12.26 grains per gallon of water. Water Service Tap Fees The City of Haysville charges the following fees for installing new meters to the Haysville water system: 5/8 inch 20 GPM $2250.00 1 inch 50 GPM $2500.00 2 inch 160 GPM $4000.00 Any size larger than 2" will be assessed and priced as needed The Sewer Tap Fee for the City of Haysville is $500.00 View Haysville’s City Code regarding Water Utilities here Reporting a Water Leak: During normal business hours, call City Hall at 529-5900. After hours, on weekends or holidays, please call the Non-Emergency line at 529-5912. **If you think you have a leak, call the Haysville Water Department first. The City can check our portion of the water system to determine if you truly need a plumber. This could save you time and money, and helps the Water Department remain aware of possible problems in the area.** Levi Brewer Water Supervisor 401 S. Jane 316.529.5940 Hours Monday- Thursday 7:30 am - 5:00 pm Friday 7:30 am - 11:30 am
- City of Haysville | Senior Center
Event Calendar Meal Calendar Monthly Newsletter Welcome! Our facility is open for citizens 55+ to visit for a wide variety of programs such as exercise classes (Chair Yoga, STEPS, Drumming), cards, BINGO, dominoes, poker, craft and paint parties, day trips, cooking classes and more! Meals on Wheels and Friendship Meals are available as well. Our goal is to provide a safe environment for seniors to interact with each other within the community. Memberships are available for $5.00 per calendar year. Some activities and outings may require a small additional fee. Haysville Hustle Exercise Classes Recurring Activities Follow Us on Facebook Food Bank and Commodities Live Your Life & Forget Your Age! Kristen McDaniel Director of Senior Services and Transportation Eula McKinley Senior Center Program Specialist 160 E. Karla Avenue 316.529.5903 Hours Monday- Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Senior Center
- City of Haysville | Animal Control
Animal Control Josh Fredrick Animal Control Officer Found Dogs 200 W. Grand Avenue 316.529.5912 The Haysville Animal Control Officer is normally on duty from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. For animal control calls outside those hours (e. g. loose or aggressive dogs, dog bites or excessive barking), call 911 and a Haysville Police officer will respond to help. Responsibilities and Services Responding to citizen complaints relating to dogs or nuisance animals Investigating animal cruelty and neglect Capturing and impounding loose or dangerous dogs Enforcing the Haysville City Code, Chapter 2 (Animal Ordinances) Educating the public with regard to animal welfare and promoting responsible pet ownership Animal bite investigation and rabies control and quarantine Animal bites must be reported immediately! If Animal Control is not available, a police officer will take the report and forward the case to Animal Control once back on duty. Dead animal pick up dependent upon circumstances Loaning live animal traps Services Not Offered by Haysville Animal Control Haysville Animal Control does not trap, transport, impound or handle felines (including both domestic and feral cats) Limited services for wildlife problems. Wildlife Complaints Haysville Animal Control has very limited equipment and resources to handle calls regarding wildlife that has come into the City. If you have a wildlife issue and would like to have someone come out to evaluate the situation, please call 911 and we will try to assist you or possibly give information on who you can contact. For wildlife related issues and questions you can also contact the Kansas Department of Wildlife & Parks or a certified Wildlife Removal or Pest Control business. A current list of Nuisance Wildlife Damage Control permittees can be found at . If you decide to trap a wild nuisance animal on your property, you have the option to borrow a live animal trap from the Haysville Police Department at no cost to you. A waiver shall be filled out and you will be responsible of humanely removing the animal, and relocating it to in an appropriate habitat and on property where you have permission to do so. Please note that trapping and relocating wild animals is never a long-term solution and often inhumane to the captured animal. Relocated animals struggle to survive in unfamiliar surroundings, have to compete with others of their species that are already established at the relocation site, and may potentially transport new diseases or parasites to a new area. Depending on the season, orphans may also be left behind and will die of starvation in crawl spaces, attics or walls, leading to new problems, such as rotting carcasses in inaccessible areas. When an animal is removed by trapping or killing, the void that is left will most likely be filled by another animal in the near future. More effective and long-term solutions for conflicts with wildlife are to remove attractants and to prevent animals from accessing structures. For professional advice, solutions or recommendations please refer to a licensed wildlife control expert. If you still decide to take wildlife matters into your own hands, be aware of the risks of handling wildlife and use caution in order to avoid getting bit or exposed to diseases. For injured wildlife please contact a wildlife rehabber. Animal Control will not be able to care for or rehabilitate wildlife. A list of current licensed wildlife rehabilitators and additional resources can be found here: . For dead animals within the City limits, either wild or domestic and without a known owner, contact Haysville Animal Control for pick up. In addition, City streets are regularly patrolled and any deceased animals found will be picked up and taken to the pound. Feral and Stray Cats The City of Haysville does not have a cat ordinance in place. Animal Control will not trap or impound cats and does not have a facility to house found cats. Found or caught stray cats have to be brought to the Wichita Animal Shelter, 3303 N Hillside St, Wichita, KS 67219. For other cat-related questions, concerns or getting involved in TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return), use the following resources: Friends of Feral Felines KS: Kansas Humane Society: Lost and Found Pets Haysville Animal Control will hold found dogs for 3 business days and will take all reasonable steps to reunite the dog with its owner. If a found dog remains unclaimed after 3 days, the animal will be transferred to the Wichita Animal Shelter. If your dog has been picked up, you can claim your dog at the Haysville Police Department at 200 W Grand. Proof of ownership will be required (vet records, tags, photos, etc.) and an impound fee ($25.00 set fee + $1.00 per day) will be due at the time of release. The releasing officer will also issue a Dog At Large citation. If you are not able to provide proof of current rabies vaccination and a valid city license, additional charges may be added to the citation. See FOUND DOGS Please note: If you are missing your pet, always contact the Haysville Police Department at 316-529-5912. Found dogs are not always posted on the web site immediately. Although Haysville Animal Control does not pick up or hold cats, we keep a log of all lost, found and deceased pets. Dial the non-emergency number (316) 529-5912 to report a missing pet and you will be notified if your pet is found, or we can connect you with the finder if they notify us. And remember if your pet returns home on it’s own, call and let us know that it is back home so we can remove it from the “lost” list. Selection of Animal Ordinances (Excerpts from Chapter 2 of the Haysville City Code) It is unlawful to allow a dog to "run at large" in the City Of Haysville. Please be advised that dogs also need to be leashed at Dorner Park unless they are in the fenced dog park area. All dogs 6 months old and older must be licensed with the City of Haysville. Dog licenses can be obtained at the City Building during business hours. Proof of current rabies vaccination and if applicable, proof of neuter status, will be required. The licensing fees are as follows: Neutered and spayed dogs: $10.00 Unaltered dogs: $20.00 It is unlawful to have an unvaccinated dog. It is unlawful to have more than 4 pets of any combination. It is unlawful to harbor a nuisance animal. Animals that are kept outside must be provided with adequate weatherproof shelter and access to fresh and unfrozen water at all times. Tethering and Picketing of Dogs As a companion and pack animal, a dog should regularly interact with people or other animals, and receive adequate exercise in order to maintain good mental and physical health. Tethering should always be a temporary and short-term solution, as intensive confinement or long-term restraint can cause dogs to become neurotic, bored, depressed or aggressive. Keeping an animal tethered for longer periods or during extreme weather is not acceptable. As per the City Ordinance, tethering is only allowed for 1 continuous hour, up to 3 hours total per day. The tether must be at least 10 feet in length, of appropriate size for the animal and has to be secured in such a way that it cannot become entangled with other objects and in such a way that strangulation is prevented. Collars should be comfortable and fitted properly. Tethering by means of choke chains and prong collars is prohibited. (City Code, 2-207.) See the full City Code, Chapter II: Animals and Fowl, here: Chapter 2 Dog Park Rules can be viewed here: Chapter 7 Other Resources and Contacts Sedgwick County Animal Control: Wichita Animal Action League:
- Site Search
Search Results 104 items found for "" City of Haysville | Utility Billing Utility Bill Payment There is a new billing and online payment system as of January 1, 2023. INSTRUCTIONS TO SET UP ACCOUNT ARE HERE The City of Haysville has entered into an agreement with Tyler Technologies to provide this online payment service. A convenience fee of $1.25 will be charged for all payments made through the site processed using this service. This fee is not charged nor collected by the City but by the third-party payment provider. If you have any questions, please contact us at 316-529-5900. There are no fees for paying in person, using the drop box, mailing a payment, calling City Hall at 316-529-5900, or setting up automatic withdrawal (ACH) from your bank account. To make a payme nt click HERE We are proud to offer a new option to pay your bill online with doxo, the simple, secure, all-in-one bill payment service that's easy to use from any device. What is doxo? doxo is the simple, secure way for customers to pay bills. doxo is proud to provide our network of over 10 million users and 140,000 billers a superior mobile-friendly user experience and the largest bill payment network nationwide. In addition to paying your utilities bill, you can also add all of your accounts to schedule payments, monitor status, and track your bill payment history all from one convenient, secure application. Are there fees? There is no cost to sign up with doxo. Making payments to the City of Haysville from your bank account is also FREE. Convenience fees apply on credit and debit card payments ($3.99 or 3.5%, whichever is greater based on payment amount). Problem setting up your account? If you are having problems setting up an account or making a payment, call doxo's customer support number at (206) 319-0086. Interested in setting up recurring payments? Once you have created a doxo account, you can then go back into your account and set up your account for recurring payments. To make a doxo payment, click HERE Automatic Payments: You can have your water bill automatically deducted from your checking or savings account. Payments are deducted on the 15th of each month. Complete the Authorization Form and return it to City Hall with a voided check or deposit slip to begin this service. E-billing for Water Bills: Go paperless and receive your water bill through e-mail. Sign up at City Hall, 200 W. Grand, or complete and print the form , and return to City Hall. Service Set Up: The City of Haysville provides water and wastewater services to residents. To sign up for these services, a set up fee of $25 must accompany a signature card, and can be handled at City Hall, 200 West Grand Avenue. Requests for service must be made one business day prior to turning your water on. Service Transfer: For transfer of service from one residence in the City to another, a Transfer Fee of $15.00 is charged. That helps cover the cost of reading one meter, turning it off, setting up service at another address, and turning that service on, as well as the record keeping to final out one address and set up the billing account for another. Requests must be made one business day prior to transferring your service. Water Rates: The current water rate is $3.50 per thousand gallons used. In addition to the City's rate, there is a $.032 per thousand gallons water fee charged by the state. A higher fee is charged for residents outside the City limits who are served by Haysville's water system. Wastewater Rates: Wastewater is charged based on water used during the months of January, February, and March each year. The usage is averaged, then calculated at $7.25 per thousand gallons, which will be the fee for the next year. If a resident has not yet established usage during January, February, and March, the city-wide average is used which is $23.93, or 3,300 gallons (this does not include commercial accounts). A fee of $5.00 is added to each account for the cost of maintaining the wastewater treatment facility. There is also a storm water fee of $2.50/month for residential customers. Non-residential developed property is charged a storm water fee based on property size. Fees: A late fee of 5% on water and wastewater is added if the bill is unpaid after the 20th of each month. Delinquencies: Delinquent notices are sent to those accounts past due after the 20th of the previous month. About 2 weeks after that date, those accounts still unpaid will be turned off for non-payment. This is done on a Wednesday and is usually about the 2nd Wednesday of each month. If an account is unpaid on water shut-off day, an additional penalty of $40 is added to the account, whether or not the water is actually turned off. A GREEN DELINQUENT CARD is sent out one week before the utility shut off date and is the final notice. Billing Information: There are approximately 3,800 water meters in the City of Haysville and they are read beginning the first week of each month. The usage is entered into hand held meter readers and the data is downloaded onto a computer. The information is then sent to the Utility Billing Clerk and bills are calculated and printed. Utility bills are mailed so customers receive them on the 1st of the month if at all possible. Something to remember is that the utility bill received the first of the month is actually for water used two months prior. For instance, meters are read the first week of June for water used during the month of May. Bills are calculated and printed and the customer will receive the bill about July 1. The usage shown on the July 1 statement, therefore, is for water used during May. New customers may not receive their first bill for nearly two months for the same reasons. Temporary Water Service: In some cases, a temporary water service can be requested. If a landlord is cleaning up a property for the next tenant, but does not want to set up an account for the week or two necessary for that purpose, a temporary service for one week at a time, for a charge of $20 can be obtained. The charge is $20 per week, but no more than two weeks is allowed. The commercial rate for temporary water service is $15.51 per week plus sales tax. Water Bill Extensions: If an unforeseen emergency prevents a customer from being able to pay their utility bill on time, an extension can be requested. In order to obtain an extension, a form for that purpose must be signed by the customer, stating when they will be paying for the bill. Extensions are only given for two weeks. If the extension is not requested until water shut off day, an additional penalty of $40 is added to the bill. Three extensions are allowed annually. Adjustment Policy: A water leak in the service line to a residence may result in a large amount of water being charged on the customer's bill. A licensed plumber is required to make any repairs to water lines in the City of Haysville and a permit is also required. If the code is followed and proper inspections are made, the customer may request an adjustment to the water bill of half the excess water. That would mean the customer pays for half and the City "forgives" half. If the code is not followed and a licensed plumber with a permit is not used, a reduced adjustment may be made with proper proof of repairs. That type of adjustment will only be made once. Fullscreen Page | concept3 Administrative Services ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Will Black City Administrator 316.529.5900 Georgie Carter Deputy Administrator 316.529.5900 200 W. Grand Avenue 316.529.5900 The City Administrator is responsible for providing leadership in the daily administration and implementation of all City operations and the policies, goals, and vision set forth by the Mayor and the City Council. The Administrative Department consists of economic development, planning and zoning, communications, multi-media, IT, and the senior center operations. They are responsible for: Promote and encourage community and economic development. Recommend annual budget, Prepares a budget for the city council’s consideration Administer the adopted budget and capital improvement programs. Act as liaison with citizens, businesses, community organizations, and government agencies. Monitor state and federal legislation. Prepare City Council meeting agenda, including supporting materials. Coordinate compliance with national and state laws. Implements and enforces policies established by the elected officials Enforces and implements local Zoning codes Manages Floodplain management and certification IT, Communications Multi-Media and Digital Communications Senior Center operations City legal Supervision of all City projects and grants Accountable for the City finances Council Agendas Doing Business Planning/Zoning Multimedia Park Board WiFi Maps City of Haysville-Home City of Haysville Once Upon a Time Open Pickleball Haysville Hustle Once Upon a Time 1/5 Join our mailing list Subscribe Thanks for submitting! Legal Notices Water Payments City GIS City Code Forms/ Permits Activity Center Facility Rentals Problem Report Open Jobs Haysville Hustle Customer Portal Site Search Search Results 104 items found for "" City of Haysville | Planning/Zoning Planning and Zoning Kailyn Hogan Planning & Zoning Administrator 316.529.5900 The planning and Zoning Office for the City of Haysville serves as a process for guiding the future growth of Haysville. City planning attempts to establish a course of action over the development of the physical environment on behalf of the citizens of Haysville and the Haysville Community. Zoning Map Legal Notices and Publications Sign Code Zoning Regulations Floodplain Management Forms Area of Influence Map Zoning District Chart Plans & Studies The Commission is responsible for the development, implementation, and updating of various long range plans and maps; ensuring smart and efficient growth for the City of Haysville. Comprehensive Plan Master Park Plan Historic District Master Plan South Broadway Corridor Plan South Meridian Corridor Plan Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Fullscreen Page | concept3 City of Haysville-Home City of Haysville Once Upon a Time Open Pickleball Haysville Hustle Once Upon a Time 1/5 Join our mailing list Subscribe Thanks for submitting! Legal Notices Water Payments City GIS City Code Forms/ Permits Activity Center Facility Rentals Problem Report Open Jobs Haysville Hustle Customer Portal Administrative Services ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Will Black City Administrator 316.529.5900 Georgie Carter Deputy Administrator 316.529.5900 200 W. Grand Avenue 316.529.5900 The City Administrator is responsible for providing leadership in the daily administration and implementation of all City operations and the policies, goals, and vision set forth by the Mayor and the City Council. The Administrative Department consists of economic development, planning and zoning, communications, multi-media, IT, and the senior center operations. They are responsible for: Promote and encourage community and economic development. Recommend annual budget, Prepares a budget for the city council’s consideration Administer the adopted budget and capital improvement programs. Act as liaison with citizens, businesses, community organizations, and government agencies. Monitor state and federal legislation. Prepare City Council meeting agenda, including supporting materials. Coordinate compliance with national and state laws. Implements and enforces policies established by the elected officials Enforces and implements local Zoning codes Manages Floodplain management and certification IT, Communications Multi-Media and Digital Communications Senior Center operations City legal Supervision of all City projects and grants Accountable for the City finances Council Agendas Doing Business Planning/Zoning Multimedia Park Board WiFi Maps Site Search Search Results 104 items found for "" City of Haysville | Senior Center Event Calendar Meal Calendar Monthly Newsletter Welcome! Our facility is open for citizens 55+ to visit for a wide variety of programs such as exercise classes (Chair Yoga, STEPS, Drumming), cards, BINGO, dominoes, poker, craft and paint parties, day trips, cooking classes and more! Meals on Wheels and Friendship Meals are available as well. Our goal is to provide a safe environment for seniors to interact with each other within the community. Memberships are available for $5.00 per calendar year. Some activities and outings may require a small additional fee. Haysville Hustle Exercise Classes Recurring Activities Follow Us on Facebook Food Bank and Commodities Live Your Life & Forget Your Age! Kristen McDaniel Director of Senior Services and Transportation Eula McKinley Senior Center Program Specialist 160 E. Karla Avenue 316.529.5903 Hours Monday- Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Senior Center Site Search Search Results 104 items found for "" Fullscreen Page | concept3 City of Haysville | Legal Notices and Publications Legal Notices On September 11, 2023, the Haysville Governing Body adopted Charter Ordinance No. 29 exempting the City from the provisions of K.S.A. 12-1651 and providing substitute provisions which relate to the official naming of an official newspaper. On December 11, 2023, the Governing Body adopted Resolution No. 23-13 officially designating the City website ( ) as the official City newspaper for legal notices that do not require publication in a newspaper of general circulation. All notices meeting this definition will be published on this page. Archived Notices City of Haysville-Home City of Haysville Once Upon a Time Open Pickleball Haysville Hustle Once Upon a Time 1/5 Join our mailing list Subscribe Thanks for submitting! Legal Notices Water Payments City GIS City Code Forms/ Permits Activity Center Facility Rentals Problem Report Open Jobs Haysville Hustle Customer Portal Site Search Search Results 104 items found for "" City of Haysville | Legal Notices and Publications Legal Notices On September 11, 2023, the Haysville Governing Body adopted Charter Ordinance No. 29 exempting the City from the provisions of K.S.A. 12-1651 and providing substitute provisions which relate to the official naming of an official newspaper. On December 11, 2023, the Governing Body adopted Resolution No. 23-13 officially designating the City website ( ) as the official City newspaper for legal notices that do not require publication in a newspaper of general circulation. All notices meeting this definition will be published on this page. Archived Notices Fullscreen Page | concept3 Site Search Search Results 104 items found for "" Site Search Search Results 104 items found for "" City of Haysville | Community Building Community Building Community Building 130 E. 2nd Street South Please contact the HAC at 316.529.5922 between the hours of 8 AM to 5 PM, M-F o r email See calendar here for availability While every effort is made to keep this calendar up to date, please contact the HAC to verify the availability of the facility. Community2 Community3 Community7 Community2 1/6 City of Haysville | Park Board Agendas Park Board Agendas Agendas for 2024 JANUARY No Meeting FEBRUARY 5th Agenda MARCH No Meeting APRIL 1st Agenda MAY 3rd Arbor Day JUNE 3rd Agenda JULY No Meeting AUGUST 5th Agenda SEPTEMBER No Meeting OCTOBER 7th Agenda NOVEMBER As Needed DECEMBER As Needed Return to Park Board Page City of Haysville | 1% Tax 1% Sales Tax Information Special Question, November 7, 2023 In a special question on November 7, 2023, Haysville voters will be asked to considering renewing the 1.00% city sales tax. This would generate approximately $1.3 million annually. The proposition to be voted on shall appear on the ballot as follows: Shall the following be adopted? Shall a retailers' sales tax in the amount of one percent (1.00%) be levied in the City of Haysville, Kansas, to take effect July I, 2024, or as soon thereafter as such tax may be levied by the Kansas Department of Revenue, with revenue from such tax used to fund a Local Street, Park & Recreation Improvement Program; and provided that such retailers' sales tax shall expire on the date ten years after it is first levied, all pursuant to K.S.A 12-187, et seq., as amended? Read the full ordinance #1106 here . The rationale behind the 1% sales tax is firmly rooted in our dedication to the progress of Haysville and well being of its residents. This sales tax renewal is designed to directly improve three critical areas: Streets, Parks and Recreation. Streets: Well-maintained streets are the lifelines of our community. By allocating funds to street maintenance and improvements, we ensure the safety and efficiency of our transportation networks. Pothole repairs, street resurfacing, and infrastructure upgrades are essential to creating smooth, reliable, and hazard-free travel experience for all residents and visitors. Through the 1% sales tax, we are taking a proactive approach to preserving the integrity of our roadways and ensuring safe journeys for generations to come. Parks and Recreation: Our parks and recreation facilities are the heart of community life, offering spaces for leisure, exercise, and social interactions. With the 1% sales tax, we will continue to invest in revitalizing and modernizing these spaces. Upgrades to playgrounds, sports fields, walking trails, and gathering areas contribute to a higher quality of life for individuals and families alike. By allocating funds to these enhancements, we create a healthier, more vibrant, and united community where residents can come together, stay active, and forge lasting memories. The 1% sales tax ensures that we have the necessary resources to maintain our streets, enhance our recreational offerings, and continue building a city that we are proud to call home. Proposed Solution 1% Sales Tax By continuing the 1% City Sales Tax, the City stands to yield an estimated $1,380,000 annually. This revenue would empower the city to achieve the following objectives: Continue street repairs on a consistent timetable, as opposed to a reactive approach. Continue enhancing public amenities, such as parks, recreation and other public spaces. This will contribute to a high quality of life for our residents. Unlike property taxes, the sales tax generates funds from visitors who make purchases within the city's boundaries. Q: Is this a tax increase? A: No, this is not a tax increase. The City currently has a 1% sales tax that began July 1, 2014 and ends June 30, 2024. This would be a 10 year continuation of the current sales tax ensuring continued funding for essential community improvements and services without introducing a new or increased tax rate. Q: Does Haysville currently have a local sales tax? What surrounding cities currently have a sales tax? A: Yes. The following surrounding communities have a city sales tax: Q: When is the election and who can vote? A: The election is scheduled for Tuesday, November 7, 2023, and will be accessible to all eligible registered voters residing within Haysville, KS city limits. Early voting at satellite sites can be done between November 2 and November 4, from 10 am to 4 pm. On election day, voters can submit their ballots at their usual precinct sites. The deadline for voter registration is October 17, 2023. Q: How much will this tax generate annually? A: Annually, the 1% sales tax is estimated to yield around $1,380,000 in revenue. Q: What is impacted by this 1%? A: The 1% sales tax directly impacts key aspects of our community's well-being and growth. It provides vital funding for essential areas such as: · Streets : The sales tax contributes to road maintenance, repairs, and improvements, ensuring safe and efficient travel for residents and visitors. · Parks and Recreation: Our parks and recreation facilities benefit from enhanced funding, allowing for upgrades, renovations, new HAC equipment, and the creation of new recreational spaces that enrich community life. Q: How will the money be used? A: The 1% sales tax revenue will only be used to enhance our streets, parks, and recreation facilities. This allocation ensures safe travel and a high quality of life for our residents by maintaining infrastructure and creating engaging community spaces. Q: If I have further questions, who can I contact? A: You can contact Will Black via email at or by phone at (316) 529-5900. Q: What is the current maintenance/replacement schedule for roads? A: The current maintenance and replacement schedule for roads in our community involves a meticulous process. Roads are inspected annually to assess their condition, and maintenance activities such as pothole repairs, and crack sealing. Since the beginning of the current City sales Tax $4,361,052.04 has been expended on street maintenance and replacement. Q: What happens if we don’t do this? A: Failing to adhere to a consistent road maintenance and replacement schedule can have far reaching consequences for our community. Roads left unmaintained are prone to rapid deterioration, resulting in increased safety hazards, discomfort for commuters, and potential vehicle damage. Delayed maintenance often translates into higher costs as minor issues escalate. Q: How does Haysville's mill levy compare to other communities in Sedgwick County? A: Haysville’s mill levy is positioned on the lower end when compared to other cities in Sedgwick County. This reflects our commitment to maintaining a competitive tax rate while still providing essential services and investing in our community. Q: What impact does the 1% sales tax have on park and recreation specifically? A: The influence of the sales tax on our community’s recreation and parks system is significant, fostering its ongoing enhancement and growth. This revenue source plays a pivotal role in multiple aspects. Firstly, it has enabled us to breathe new life into our existing parks, playgrounds, sports facilities, and recreational spaces. Furthermore, it provides essential funding for the development of new amenities, exemplified by the creation of Randal Dorner Park, alongside several other notable improvements. Q: How has the sales tax directly impacted our community by supporting important projects and facilities? A: The sales tax has played a significant role in one of our community’s most valuable assets-the Haysville Activity Center. This facility, made possible in part by the sales tax revenue, stands as a testament to our commitment to providing state-of-the-art recreational amenities. The Activity Center serves as a hub for fitness, wellness programs, and community gatherings, enhancing the quality of life for our residents. City of Haysville | Emergency Alerts Emergency Alerts Sedgwick County Emergency Management has built a mass notification platform for all cities in the county to use. The system is more user-friendly and has a lot more capabilities than the older NIXLE system. At this time, the system is open, and you can sign up to receive notifications if you would like to. If you currently subscribe to Nixle alerts, we will stop sending alerts over that platform soon, so we would encourage you to sign up for the new CivicReady system. When you sign up for CivicReady, you will have the option to decide which communications you will receive. It will primarily be e-mail based, but we can also send text messages for more urgent communications. In most cities (Haysville included) the main notifications are: Public Safety Alerts (Police/Fire/EMS situations; may be sent via text and/or email) Public Health Alerts (Boil water advisories, epidemic news, vaccination locations, etc.; sent via text and/or email) Community Bulletins (Festival news, government office closures, local road closures (non-emergency), etc.; email only) You can also sign up for weather warnings if you would like! Click on the graphic above to sign up. City of Haysville | 2022 Council Archives Council Agendas 2021 Council Agendas 2020 Council Agendas 2019 Council Agendas 2018 Council Agendas 2017 Council Agendas MAY 09, 2022 AGENDA VIDEO APRIL 11, 2022 AGENDA VIDEO MARCH 14, 2022 AGENDA VIDEO FEBRUARY 14, 2022 AGENDA VIDEO FEBRUARY 07, 2022 AGENDA VIDEO JANUARY 10, 2022 AGENDA VIDEO AUGUST 08, 2022 AGENDA VIDEO JULY 11, 2022 AGENDA VIDEO JUNE 13, 2022 AGENDA VIDEO NOVEMBER 14, 2022 AGENDA VIDEO OCTOBER 11, 2022 AGENDA VIDEO SEPTEMBER 12, 2022 AGENDA VIDEO JANUARY 09, 2023 AGENDA VIDEO DECEMBER 29, 2022 AGENDA VIDEO DECEMBER 12, 2022 AGENDA VIDEO City of Haysville | Kirby Shelter Kirby Shelter Kirby Shelter 608 Chatta Street Please contact the HAC at 316.529.5922 between the hours of 8 AM to 5 PM, M-F o r email See calendar here for availability While every effort is made to keep this calendar up to date, please contact the HAC to verify the availability of the facility. Kirby6 Kirby3 Kirby2 Kirby6 1/5 City of Haysville | Justin Bruster Bio Justin Bruster - Ward IV Ward IV - Justin Bruster Term Expires Dec. 2027 316.706.7849 Councilperson Justin Bruster was elected to the City Council in 2023 and has been a resident of Haysville for 32 years, with periods of residence off and on. A graduate of Campus High School in 2000, he holds a bachelor’s degree in Human Biology from the University of Kansas. Following this, he pursued an associate degree in Fire Science from Hutchinson Community College. Justin worked as a wildland firefighter for the San Juan National Forest from 2006 to 2007 and joined the Wichita Fire Department in 2008. Currently serving as Acting Lieutenant, he also serves as an Interim Systems Analyst for Wichita Fire Administration Staff. In 2010, Justin decided to move back to Haysville, driven by the desire to raise his family in the same vibrant community that shaped his upbringing. He has been married to Alicia since 2010, and together they are proud parents of three children. Both are actively involved members of Haysville Christian Church. Beyond his commitment to public safety, Justin has made significant contributions to the local youth by serving as a substitute teacher for USD 261 during his days off from the fire department and helping with scouting in Haysville. Justin achieved the rank of Eagle Scout in 2000 from Troop 895 and has remained actively involved in scouting, serving as a committee chair and now as a Cub Master for Pack 893. In 2024, he is set to assume the role of Southwind’s District Chair for scouting. Through his involvement, Justin shapes the experiences of youth, fostering leadership and instilling values that contribute to Haysville's community spirit and citizenship. Despite his diverse experiences, Justin deeply appreciates Haysville's close-knit community, citing the excellent school system, vibrant community events, and the sense of belonging as cherished aspects. City of Haysville | Legal Notices Archive Legal Notices Archive On September 11, 2023, the Haysville Governing Body adopted Charter Ordinance No. 29 exempting the City from the provisions of K.S.A. 12-1651 and providing substitute provisions which relate to the official naming of an official newspaper. On December 11, 2023, the Governing Body adopted Resolution No. 23-13 officially designating the City website ( ) as the official City newspaper for legal notices that do not require publication in a newspaper of general circulation. All notices meeting this definition will be published on this page. LEGAL NOTICES Coffee Shop Incentive To apply for the Coffee Shop Incentive program, please click the apply button and save the application. When finished, email the form to Danielle Gabor at Application Coffee Shop Incentive City of Haysville | Pool Dewey Gunzelman Memorial Pool Pool Season May 25th - August 11th 2024 Pool Season May 25th - August 11th Pool Hours Opens at 1:00 PM Closes at 6:30 PM Splash Pad May 1st - September 30th Splash Pad Hours Opens at 9:00 AM Closes at 10:00 PM Swim Lessons $35 per Student Fee is Due at Registration Deadline is the Saturday Before the Session Begins Session 1 - June 3-14 (No PM Class 6/11) Session 2 - June 17-28 (No PM Class 6/25) Session 3 - July 1-July 12 (No PM Class 7/09) Session 4 - July 22-August 2 Private lessons Available by appointment A dditional fee The swimming pool operates from the end of May through mid August. Normal business hours are from 1:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., 7 days a week, but we do close early on the dates listed below for swim meets. Pool amenities include concession stand, dedicated lap lanes, an intermediate pool, a baby pool, high and low diving boards, dual drop slides and a 25 foot spiral slide. We have swim lessons throughout the season for children aged 6 months and up, as well a Guard Start class. Pool Rentals $200 + $25 Deposit Includes Blue Slide (all fees due at registration) Rental is for 1.5 Hours Additional Fees Intermediate Pool - Add $25 More than 50 People - Add $50 More than 100 People - Add $100 More than 150 People - Add $120 More than 200 People - Add $150 Pool Contacts In Season - Pool Manager (316) 529-5924 Off Season - HAC (316) 529-5922 Admission Prices Daily Rates Age Price 0-1 FREE 2-5 $2.00 6-54 $3.00 55+ $1.00 Ticket Books 20 Tickets for $55 Single Pass for $65 Family Passes Family Members Price 2 $100 3 $135 4 $170 5 $195 6 $220 Early Pool Closings The pool will close at 4PM on the following dates for swim meets: (There will be no PM swim lessons on these days) Tuesday, June 11 Tuesday, June 25 Thursday, July 4th 12-5pm Tuesday, July 9 Tuesday, Aug 6 NNO City of Haysville | Rentals Park & Building Rentals HAC Rental Room 523 Sarah Lane Located in Haysville Activity Center $15-$20/hour Plus Deposit Off-Street Parking Kitchen and Restrooms WiFi City Hotspot Community Building 130 E 2nd St. South Located in W.W. Hays Historic Park $75 - $100 Plus Deposit Off-Street Parking Kitchen and Restrooms Senior Center 160 E. Karla Avenue $50 Plus Deposit Off-Street Parking Kitchen and Restrooms WiFi City Hotspot Senior Membership Required Brady Shelter 6546 Mabel St. Located in Plagens-Carpenter Complex $10, no electricity Off-street Parking Playground Built-in Grill Historic Park Gazebo 200 S Main St. Located in W.W. Hays Historic Park $55 with electricity, Plus Deposit Off-street Parking WiFi City Hotspot Kirby Shelter 608 Chatta St. Located in Kirby Park $30 with electricity Sink and Counter Space Off-street Parking Playground Lions Club Shelter 706 Sarah Lane Located in Riggs Park $65 with electricity, Plus Deposit Off-Street Parking Kitchen and Restrooms Orchard Acres Shelter 1200 E Dirck St. Located in Orchard Acres Park $30 with electricity Sink and Counter Space Off-street Parking Playground Pear Tree Shelter 362 Moy Avenue Located in Pear Tree Park $30 with electricity Street Parking Sink and Counter Space Playground Plagens-Carpenter Shelter 6545 Mabel St. Located in Plagens-Carpenter Complex $30 with electricity Sink and Counter Space Off-street Parking Playground Police Shelter 706 Sarah Lane Located in Riggs Park $27 with electricity Off-street Parking Playground WiFi City Hotspot Riggs Park Band Shell 706 Sarah Lane Located in Riggs Park $27 with electricity Off-street Parking Playground WiFi City Hotspot Riggs Park Shelter 706 Sarah Lane Located in Riggs Park $30 with electricity Off-street Parking Playground WiFi City Hotspot Scout Shelter 1200 E Dirck St. Located in Orchard Acres Park $10, no electricity Off-street Parking Playground Timberlane Shelter 706 Sarah Lane Located in Riggs Park $27 with electricity Off-street Parking Playground Trout Shelter 400 W. 79th Street S. Located in Dorner Park $27 with electricity Parking Lots Playground Whisler Shelter 950 Freeman Avenue Located in Whisler Park $27 with electricity Off-street Parking Playground City of Haysville | Riggs Gazebo Riggs Park Gazebo Riggs Park Gazebo 706 Sarah Lane Please contact the HAC at 316.529.5922 between the hours of 8 AM to 5 PM, M-F o r email See calendar here for availability While every effort is made to keep this calendar up to date, please contact the HAC to verify the availability of the facility. Riggs_Gazebo2 Riggs_Gazebo1 Riggs_Gazebo3 Riggs_Gazebo2 1/4 Previous 1 2 3 4 5 ... 9 Next City of Haysville-Home City of Haysville Once Upon a Time Open Pickleball Haysville Hustle Once Upon a Time 1/5 Join our mailing list Subscribe Thanks for submitting! Legal Notices Water Payments City GIS City Code Forms/ Permits Activity Center Facility Rentals Problem Report Open Jobs Haysville Hustle Customer Portal City of Haysville | Legal Notices and Publications Legal Notices On September 11, 2023, the Haysville Governing Body adopted Charter Ordinance No. 29 exempting the City from the provisions of K.S.A. 12-1651 and providing substitute provisions which relate to the official naming of an official newspaper. On December 11, 2023, the Governing Body adopted Resolution No. 23-13 officially designating the City website ( ) as the official City newspaper for legal notices that do not require publication in a newspaper of general circulation. All notices meeting this definition will be published on this page. Archived Notices Fullscreen Page | concept3 City of Haysville | Historic Gazebo Historic Park Gazebo Historic Park Gazebo 200 S. Main Street Please contact the HAC at 316.529.5922 between the hours of 8 AM to 5 PM, M-F o r email See calendar here for availability While every effort is made to keep this calendar up to date, please contact the HAC to verify the availability of the facility. Hist_Gazebo1 Hist_Gazebo2 Hist_Gazebo4 Hist_Gazebo1 1/4 City of Haysville | Wastewater Wastewater NOTICE: It is unlawful to open City Manholes. If you see anyone opening a City manhole, please notify the Police Department or the Public Works Department immediately. The City of Haysville is not affiliated with and does not endorse or regulate any company offering or providing water or sewer line insurance. The Wastewater Department is responsible for maintaining and servicing approximately 40 miles of sanitary sewer lines and 980 manholes. Our Wastewater Department is also responsible for the operation and maintenance of the City’s treatment facility. On average, the wastewater facility treats 650,000 gallons every day, but is designed to treat up to 2 million gallons. View and print our “Understanding the Wastewater Department” brochure here View Haysville’s City Code regarding Water Utilities here Sewer Tap Fees The fee for a new connection to the Haysville wastewater system is $500.00. Reporting a Sewer Back-Up: During normal business hours, call Public Works at 529-5940. After hours, on weekends or holidays, please call the Non-Emergency line at 529-5912. **If you are having sewer problems and think you need a plumber, call the Haysville Wastewater Department first. The city can check our portion of the sewer system to determine if you truly need a plumber. This could save you time and money, and helps the Wastewater Department remain aware of possible problems in the area.** Sewer Back-Ups Municipalities generally are not liable for damages resulting from a sewer back up even if the back-up originates in the City’s line. Many insurance companies offer sewer and drain endorsements as a rider to a homeowner’s policy. This rider typically covers both a sanitary sewer backup and sump pump failure. Check with your insurance company for details. City of Haysville | Mayor's Youth Leadership Council Mayor's Youth Leadership Council The Facts What is The Mayor’s Youth Leadership Council? The Council was created to raise awareness and involvement of Haysville youth in city government and develop leadership skills. Members receive hands-on experience in local government by meeting with Mayor Russ Kessler and working with city staff and local leaders. It is the purpose of this Council to develop, implement, and participate in a variety of youth-identified community programs, projects, and events. Who May Apply? Youth selected to serve must attend school and/or reside within USD 261. Applicants must currently be in the 8th to 11th grades. All applicants must maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA. How Many Members Serve on the Council? A limited number of seats are available on the Council. Members are interviewed and selected by the Selection Committee, which consists of Mayor Kessler and city staff. Membership Terms Each appointed member makes a commitment to serve for one school year starting in June and ending in May. Terms are renewable and members may be re-appointed. Members are encouraged to reapply from year to year. New and returning members have the opportunity to develop lifelong leadership skills, build networks, and gain additional hands-on experience in local government. Benefits of Council Membership Provide input on Haysville’s future Provide input on programs, services, and events offered for your age group Learn about the City and Community of Haysville Meet one-on-one with the Mayor, City Officials, and City Staff Establish networks that benefit your future Learn valuable job and life skills Community Service Hours Each member will receive community service hours based on participation level and agreed to by each participating school. For more information, contact: Will Black Chief Administrative Officer City of Haysville 200 West Grand Avenue Haysville, KS 67060 Phone: 316.529.5900 Email: MYLC Flyer and Application City of Haysville | Community Building Community Building Community Building 130 E. 2nd Street South Please contact the HAC at 316.529.5922 between the hours of 8 AM to 5 PM, M-F o r email See calendar here for availability While every effort is made to keep this calendar up to date, please contact the HAC to verify the availability of the facility. Community2 Community3 Community7 Community2 1/6 City of Haysville | Park Board Agendas Park Board Agendas Agendas for 2024 JANUARY No Meeting FEBRUARY 5th Agenda MARCH No Meeting APRIL 1st Agenda MAY 3rd Arbor Day JUNE 3rd Agenda JULY No Meeting AUGUST 5th Agenda SEPTEMBER No Meeting OCTOBER 7th Agenda NOVEMBER As Needed DECEMBER As Needed Return to Park Board Page City of Haysville | 1% Tax 1% Sales Tax Information Special Question, November 7, 2023 In a special question on November 7, 2023, Haysville voters will be asked to considering renewing the 1.00% city sales tax. This would generate approximately $1.3 million annually. The proposition to be voted on shall appear on the ballot as follows: Shall the following be adopted? Shall a retailers' sales tax in the amount of one percent (1.00%) be levied in the City of Haysville, Kansas, to take effect July I, 2024, or as soon thereafter as such tax may be levied by the Kansas Department of Revenue, with revenue from such tax used to fund a Local Street, Park & Recreation Improvement Program; and provided that such retailers' sales tax shall expire on the date ten years after it is first levied, all pursuant to K.S.A 12-187, et seq., as amended? Read the full ordinance #1106 here . The rationale behind the 1% sales tax is firmly rooted in our dedication to the progress of Haysville and well being of its residents. This sales tax renewal is designed to directly improve three critical areas: Streets, Parks and Recreation. Streets: Well-maintained streets are the lifelines of our community. By allocating funds to street maintenance and improvements, we ensure the safety and efficiency of our transportation networks. Pothole repairs, street resurfacing, and infrastructure upgrades are essential to creating smooth, reliable, and hazard-free travel experience for all residents and visitors. Through the 1% sales tax, we are taking a proactive approach to preserving the integrity of our roadways and ensuring safe journeys for generations to come. Parks and Recreation: Our parks and recreation facilities are the heart of community life, offering spaces for leisure, exercise, and social interactions. With the 1% sales tax, we will continue to invest in revitalizing and modernizing these spaces. Upgrades to playgrounds, sports fields, walking trails, and gathering areas contribute to a higher quality of life for individuals and families alike. By allocating funds to these enhancements, we create a healthier, more vibrant, and united community where residents can come together, stay active, and forge lasting memories. The 1% sales tax ensures that we have the necessary resources to maintain our streets, enhance our recreational offerings, and continue building a city that we are proud to call home. Proposed Solution 1% Sales Tax By continuing the 1% City Sales Tax, the City stands to yield an estimated $1,380,000 annually. This revenue would empower the city to achieve the following objectives: Continue street repairs on a consistent timetable, as opposed to a reactive approach. Continue enhancing public amenities, such as parks, recreation and other public spaces. This will contribute to a high quality of life for our residents. Unlike property taxes, the sales tax generates funds from visitors who make purchases within the city's boundaries. Q: Is this a tax increase? A: No, this is not a tax increase. The City currently has a 1% sales tax that began July 1, 2014 and ends June 30, 2024. This would be a 10 year continuation of the current sales tax ensuring continued funding for essential community improvements and services without introducing a new or increased tax rate. Q: Does Haysville currently have a local sales tax? What surrounding cities currently have a sales tax? A: Yes. The following surrounding communities have a city sales tax: Q: When is the election and who can vote? A: The election is scheduled for Tuesday, November 7, 2023, and will be accessible to all eligible registered voters residing within Haysville, KS city limits. Early voting at satellite sites can be done between November 2 and November 4, from 10 am to 4 pm. On election day, voters can submit their ballots at their usual precinct sites. The deadline for voter registration is October 17, 2023. Q: How much will this tax generate annually? A: Annually, the 1% sales tax is estimated to yield around $1,380,000 in revenue. Q: What is impacted by this 1%? A: The 1% sales tax directly impacts key aspects of our community's well-being and growth. It provides vital funding for essential areas such as: · Streets : The sales tax contributes to road maintenance, repairs, and improvements, ensuring safe and efficient travel for residents and visitors. · Parks and Recreation: Our parks and recreation facilities benefit from enhanced funding, allowing for upgrades, renovations, new HAC equipment, and the creation of new recreational spaces that enrich community life. Q: How will the money be used? A: The 1% sales tax revenue will only be used to enhance our streets, parks, and recreation facilities. This allocation ensures safe travel and a high quality of life for our residents by maintaining infrastructure and creating engaging community spaces. Q: If I have further questions, who can I contact? A: You can contact Will Black via email at or by phone at (316) 529-5900. Q: What is the current maintenance/replacement schedule for roads? A: The current maintenance and replacement schedule for roads in our community involves a meticulous process. Roads are inspected annually to assess their condition, and maintenance activities such as pothole repairs, and crack sealing. Since the beginning of the current City sales Tax $4,361,052.04 has been expended on street maintenance and replacement. Q: What happens if we don’t do this? A: Failing to adhere to a consistent road maintenance and replacement schedule can have far reaching consequences for our community. Roads left unmaintained are prone to rapid deterioration, resulting in increased safety hazards, discomfort for commuters, and potential vehicle damage. Delayed maintenance often translates into higher costs as minor issues escalate. Q: How does Haysville's mill levy compare to other communities in Sedgwick County? A: Haysville’s mill levy is positioned on the lower end when compared to other cities in Sedgwick County. This reflects our commitment to maintaining a competitive tax rate while still providing essential services and investing in our community. Q: What impact does the 1% sales tax have on park and recreation specifically? A: The influence of the sales tax on our community’s recreation and parks system is significant, fostering its ongoing enhancement and growth. This revenue source plays a pivotal role in multiple aspects. Firstly, it has enabled us to breathe new life into our existing parks, playgrounds, sports facilities, and recreational spaces. Furthermore, it provides essential funding for the development of new amenities, exemplified by the creation of Randal Dorner Park, alongside several other notable improvements. Q: How has the sales tax directly impacted our community by supporting important projects and facilities? A: The sales tax has played a significant role in one of our community’s most valuable assets-the Haysville Activity Center. This facility, made possible in part by the sales tax revenue, stands as a testament to our commitment to providing state-of-the-art recreational amenities. The Activity Center serves as a hub for fitness, wellness programs, and community gatherings, enhancing the quality of life for our residents. City of Haysville | Emergency Alerts Emergency Alerts Sedgwick County Emergency Management has built a mass notification platform for all cities in the county to use. The system is more user-friendly and has a lot more capabilities than the older NIXLE system. At this time, the system is open, and you can sign up to receive notifications if you would like to. If you currently subscribe to Nixle alerts, we will stop sending alerts over that platform soon, so we would encourage you to sign up for the new CivicReady system. When you sign up for CivicReady, you will have the option to decide which communications you will receive. It will primarily be e-mail based, but we can also send text messages for more urgent communications. In most cities (Haysville included) the main notifications are: Public Safety Alerts (Police/Fire/EMS situations; may be sent via text and/or email) Public Health Alerts (Boil water advisories, epidemic news, vaccination locations, etc.; sent via text and/or email) Community Bulletins (Festival news, government office closures, local road closures (non-emergency), etc.; email only) You can also sign up for weather warnings if you would like! Click on the graphic above to sign up. City of Haysville | 2022 Council Archives Council Agendas 2021 Council Agendas 2020 Council Agendas 2019 Council Agendas 2018 Council Agendas 2017 Council Agendas MAY 09, 2022 AGENDA VIDEO APRIL 11, 2022 AGENDA VIDEO MARCH 14, 2022 AGENDA VIDEO FEBRUARY 14, 2022 AGENDA VIDEO FEBRUARY 07, 2022 AGENDA VIDEO JANUARY 10, 2022 AGENDA VIDEO AUGUST 08, 2022 AGENDA VIDEO JULY 11, 2022 AGENDA VIDEO JUNE 13, 2022 AGENDA VIDEO NOVEMBER 14, 2022 AGENDA VIDEO OCTOBER 11, 2022 AGENDA VIDEO SEPTEMBER 12, 2022 AGENDA VIDEO JANUARY 09, 2023 AGENDA VIDEO DECEMBER 29, 2022 AGENDA VIDEO DECEMBER 12, 2022 AGENDA VIDEO Previous 1 2 3 4 5 ... 9 Next City of Haysville-Home City of Haysville Once Upon a Time Open Pickleball Haysville Hustle Once Upon a Time 1/5 Join our mailing list Subscribe Thanks for submitting! Legal Notices Water Payments City GIS City Code Forms/ Permits Activity Center Facility Rentals Problem Report Open Jobs Haysville Hustle Customer Portal City of Haysville | Haysville Hustle Haysville Hustle Kristen McDaniel Director of Senior Services and Transportation Kayla White Dispatcher Laurel Ferranti Driver 160 E. Karla Avenue 316.529.5903 Hours Monday- Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Rider Registration Financial Assistance Program Policies/Procedures Haysville Title VI Program Title VI Complaint Form Service Area The Haysville Hustle bus service provides low-cost public transportation in the City of Haysville. Haysville Hustle is a demand-response (curb-to-curb) service. Mission Statement Haysville Hustle's mission is to provide public transportation that is safe, affordable, and accessible to senior citizens, disabled citizens, and those without dependable private transportation, thereby allowing regular and consistent access to goods, services, and activities that promote a healthful and positive lifestyle. Service Hours Monday - Friday 8:00 am To 4:30 pm Service Area All persons residing in City of Haysville city limits are eligible to ride the Hustle. Rides must originate from designated pick-up boundaries determined by the City of Haysville (east of Hoover, south of 55th Street, west of Hydraulic and north of 95th Street). The bus will transport patrons within Haysville city limits with routes to 47th/Broadway in Wichita and 63rd/K-15 and Rock Road between 63rd and Madison Avenue in Derby. Effective October 2022, The Haysville Hustle has expanded our drop-off destination boundaries to allow patrons more access to medical facilities such as dialysis, family medicine and cardiovascular care. Scheduling a Ride Call 316.529.5903 Monday through Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm. Reservations are recommended to be made at least 24 hours in advance. Program Funding The City of Haysville's Public Transportation Program is funded in part by a Section 5310 grant for Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities. Payment Tokens The Haysville Hustle will only accept pre-purchased tokens as payment for a ride. One $2.00 token will serve as payment for a one-way ride. Tokens may be purchased ($8.00 minimum) by rider. Haysville Hustle tokens are nonrefundable, have no expiration date and cannot be replaced if lost or stolen. Tokens must be presented at time of pick up. Tokens will be available for purchase at: Haysville Senior Center, 160 E. Karla (Cash, Credit/Debit Card, Check accepted) Tokens purchased over the phone will be delivered by the Haysville Hustle Driver when passenger boards the Hustle for their pre-scheduled trip. Code Of Conduct All passengers are required to abide by the Haysville Hustles’ well-defined Operating Policies and Procedures. All riders will receive a copy of these rules at time of registration and must sign an acknowledgement of receipt prior to first transport. City of Haysville | Council Agendas Council Agendas 2022 Council Agendas 2021 Council Agendas 2020 Council Agendas 2019 Council Agendas 2018 Council Agendas 2017 Council Agendas MARCH 13, 2023 AGENDA VIDEO FEBRUARY 13, 2023 AGENDA VIDEO JANUARY 09, 2023 AGENDA VIDEO JUNE 12, 2023 AGENDA VIDEO MAY 08, 2023 AGENDA VIDEO APRIL 10, 2023 AGENDA VIDEO AUGUST 14, 2023 AGENDA VIDEO JULY 24, 2023 AGENDA VIDEO JULY 10, 2023 AGENDA VIDEO NOVEMBER 13, 2023 AGENDA VIDEO OCTOBER 10, 2023 AGENDA VIDEO SEPTEMBER 11, 2023 AGENDA VIDEO END OF 2023 AGENDA VIDEO DECEMBER 28, 2023 AGENDA VIDEO DECEMBER 11, 2023 AGENDA VIDEO City of Haysville | Council CITY COUNCIL Mayor - Russ Kessler Term Expires Dec. 2025 316.529.5900 Biography COUNCIL AGENDAS WARD I Ward I - Dale Thompson Term Expires Dec. 2027 316.554.1735 Biography Ward I - Steve Crum Term Expires Dec. 2025 316.491.1977 Biography WARD II Ward II - Janet Parton Term Expires Dec. 2027 316.641.4186 Biography Ward II - Dan Benner Term Expires Dec. 2025 316.372.5688 Biography WARD III Ward III - Pat Ewert Term Expires Dec. 2025 316.655.7539 Biography Ward III - Bob Rardin Term Expires Dec. 2027 316.522.2663 Biography WARD IV Ward IV - Danny Walters Term Expires Dec. 2025 316.993.7693 Biography Ward IV - Justin Bruster Term Expires Dec. 2027 316.706.7849 Biography City of Haysville | Scout Shelter Scout Shelter Scout Shelter 1200 E. Dirck Street Please contact the HAC at 316.529.5922 between the hours of 8 AM to 5 PM, M-F o r email See calendar here for availability While every effort is made to keep this calendar up to date, please contact the HAC to verify the availability of the facility. Orchard_Shelter2 Orchard_Shelter1 Orchard_Shelter3 Orchard_Shelter2 1/3 City of Haysville | HAC Rental Haysville Activity Center Haysville Activity Center 523 Sarah Lane Please contact the HAC at 316.529.5922 between the hours of 8 AM to 5 PM, M-F o r email See calendar here for availability While every effort is made to keep this calendar up to date, please contact the HAC to verify the availability of the facility. HAC2 HAC3 HAC11 HAC2 1/6 City of Haysville | Event Calandar Event Calendar City of Haysville | Janet Parton Bio Janet Parton - Ward II Ward II - Janet Parton Term Expires Dec. 2027 316.641.4186 Councilperson Parton was elected to the City Council in 2017 and had served on the Planning Commission for 12 years prior to that. She has lived in the Haysville area over 50 years. Janet serves on the Haysville PRIDE committee. She tries to be at most Haysville events to support the community. After working at Washer Specialties for 21 years, she became an inside sales rep at Ferguson Enterprises, where she enjoys providing great customer service to customers in person and over the phone. Her favorite thing about Haysville is the way citizens come together to help one another, and the support they give to community events. Janet strives to be a catalyst for change, and she encourages citizens to call or email her with questions or concerns. City of Haysville | PRIDE Park PRIDE Park Vickers1 flag_edit PA130012 Vickers1 1/6 PRIDE Park City Fountain Historic Vickers Station Hike and Bike Path City WiFi Previous 1 2 3 4 5 ... 9 Next City of Haysville | Community Building Community Building Community Building 130 E. 2nd Street South Please contact the HAC at 316.529.5922 between the hours of 8 AM to 5 PM, M-F o r email See calendar here for availability While every effort is made to keep this calendar up to date, please contact the HAC to verify the availability of the facility. Community2 Community3 Community7 Community2 1/6 City of Haysville | Park Board Agendas Park Board Agendas Agendas for 2024 JANUARY No Meeting FEBRUARY 5th Agenda MARCH No Meeting APRIL 1st Agenda MAY 3rd Arbor Day JUNE 3rd Agenda JULY No Meeting AUGUST 5th Agenda SEPTEMBER No Meeting OCTOBER 7th Agenda NOVEMBER As Needed DECEMBER As Needed Return to Park Board Page City of Haysville | 1% Tax 1% Sales Tax Information Special Question, November 7, 2023 In a special question on November 7, 2023, Haysville voters will be asked to considering renewing the 1.00% city sales tax. This would generate approximately $1.3 million annually. The proposition to be voted on shall appear on the ballot as follows: Shall the following be adopted? Shall a retailers' sales tax in the amount of one percent (1.00%) be levied in the City of Haysville, Kansas, to take effect July I, 2024, or as soon thereafter as such tax may be levied by the Kansas Department of Revenue, with revenue from such tax used to fund a Local Street, Park & Recreation Improvement Program; and provided that such retailers' sales tax shall expire on the date ten years after it is first levied, all pursuant to K.S.A 12-187, et seq., as amended? Read the full ordinance #1106 here . The rationale behind the 1% sales tax is firmly rooted in our dedication to the progress of Haysville and well being of its residents. This sales tax renewal is designed to directly improve three critical areas: Streets, Parks and Recreation. Streets: Well-maintained streets are the lifelines of our community. By allocating funds to street maintenance and improvements, we ensure the safety and efficiency of our transportation networks. Pothole repairs, street resurfacing, and infrastructure upgrades are essential to creating smooth, reliable, and hazard-free travel experience for all residents and visitors. Through the 1% sales tax, we are taking a proactive approach to preserving the integrity of our roadways and ensuring safe journeys for generations to come. Parks and Recreation: Our parks and recreation facilities are the heart of community life, offering spaces for leisure, exercise, and social interactions. With the 1% sales tax, we will continue to invest in revitalizing and modernizing these spaces. Upgrades to playgrounds, sports fields, walking trails, and gathering areas contribute to a higher quality of life for individuals and families alike. By allocating funds to these enhancements, we create a healthier, more vibrant, and united community where residents can come together, stay active, and forge lasting memories. The 1% sales tax ensures that we have the necessary resources to maintain our streets, enhance our recreational offerings, and continue building a city that we are proud to call home. Proposed Solution 1% Sales Tax By continuing the 1% City Sales Tax, the City stands to yield an estimated $1,380,000 annually. This revenue would empower the city to achieve the following objectives: Continue street repairs on a consistent timetable, as opposed to a reactive approach. Continue enhancing public amenities, such as parks, recreation and other public spaces. This will contribute to a high quality of life for our residents. Unlike property taxes, the sales tax generates funds from visitors who make purchases within the city's boundaries. Q: Is this a tax increase? A: No, this is not a tax increase. The City currently has a 1% sales tax that began July 1, 2014 and ends June 30, 2024. This would be a 10 year continuation of the current sales tax ensuring continued funding for essential community improvements and services without introducing a new or increased tax rate. Q: Does Haysville currently have a local sales tax? What surrounding cities currently have a sales tax? A: Yes. The following surrounding communities have a city sales tax: Q: When is the election and who can vote? A: The election is scheduled for Tuesday, November 7, 2023, and will be accessible to all eligible registered voters residing within Haysville, KS city limits. Early voting at satellite sites can be done between November 2 and November 4, from 10 am to 4 pm. On election day, voters can submit their ballots at their usual precinct sites. The deadline for voter registration is October 17, 2023. Q: How much will this tax generate annually? A: Annually, the 1% sales tax is estimated to yield around $1,380,000 in revenue. Q: What is impacted by this 1%? A: The 1% sales tax directly impacts key aspects of our community's well-being and growth. It provides vital funding for essential areas such as: · Streets : The sales tax contributes to road maintenance, repairs, and improvements, ensuring safe and efficient travel for residents and visitors. · Parks and Recreation: Our parks and recreation facilities benefit from enhanced funding, allowing for upgrades, renovations, new HAC equipment, and the creation of new recreational spaces that enrich community life. Q: How will the money be used? A: The 1% sales tax revenue will only be used to enhance our streets, parks, and recreation facilities. This allocation ensures safe travel and a high quality of life for our residents by maintaining infrastructure and creating engaging community spaces. Q: If I have further questions, who can I contact? A: You can contact Will Black via email at or by phone at (316) 529-5900. Q: What is the current maintenance/replacement schedule for roads? A: The current maintenance and replacement schedule for roads in our community involves a meticulous process. Roads are inspected annually to assess their condition, and maintenance activities such as pothole repairs, and crack sealing. Since the beginning of the current City sales Tax $4,361,052.04 has been expended on street maintenance and replacement. Q: What happens if we don’t do this? A: Failing to adhere to a consistent road maintenance and replacement schedule can have far reaching consequences for our community. Roads left unmaintained are prone to rapid deterioration, resulting in increased safety hazards, discomfort for commuters, and potential vehicle damage. Delayed maintenance often translates into higher costs as minor issues escalate. Q: How does Haysville's mill levy compare to other communities in Sedgwick County? A: Haysville’s mill levy is positioned on the lower end when compared to other cities in Sedgwick County. This reflects our commitment to maintaining a competitive tax rate while still providing essential services and investing in our community. Q: What impact does the 1% sales tax have on park and recreation specifically? A: The influence of the sales tax on our community’s recreation and parks system is significant, fostering its ongoing enhancement and growth. This revenue source plays a pivotal role in multiple aspects. Firstly, it has enabled us to breathe new life into our existing parks, playgrounds, sports facilities, and recreational spaces. Furthermore, it provides essential funding for the development of new amenities, exemplified by the creation of Randal Dorner Park, alongside several other notable improvements. Q: How has the sales tax directly impacted our community by supporting important projects and facilities? A: The sales tax has played a significant role in one of our community’s most valuable assets-the Haysville Activity Center. This facility, made possible in part by the sales tax revenue, stands as a testament to our commitment to providing state-of-the-art recreational amenities. The Activity Center serves as a hub for fitness, wellness programs, and community gatherings, enhancing the quality of life for our residents. City of Haysville | Emergency Alerts Emergency Alerts Sedgwick County Emergency Management has built a mass notification platform for all cities in the county to use. The system is more user-friendly and has a lot more capabilities than the older NIXLE system. At this time, the system is open, and you can sign up to receive notifications if you would like to. If you currently subscribe to Nixle alerts, we will stop sending alerts over that platform soon, so we would encourage you to sign up for the new CivicReady system. When you sign up for CivicReady, you will have the option to decide which communications you will receive. It will primarily be e-mail based, but we can also send text messages for more urgent communications. In most cities (Haysville included) the main notifications are: Public Safety Alerts (Police/Fire/EMS situations; may be sent via text and/or email) Public Health Alerts (Boil water advisories, epidemic news, vaccination locations, etc.; sent via text and/or email) Community Bulletins (Festival news, government office closures, local road closures (non-emergency), etc.; email only) You can also sign up for weather warnings if you would like! Click on the graphic above to sign up. City of Haysville | 2022 Council Archives Council Agendas 2021 Council Agendas 2020 Council Agendas 2019 Council Agendas 2018 Council Agendas 2017 Council Agendas MAY 09, 2022 AGENDA VIDEO APRIL 11, 2022 AGENDA VIDEO MARCH 14, 2022 AGENDA VIDEO FEBRUARY 14, 2022 AGENDA VIDEO FEBRUARY 07, 2022 AGENDA VIDEO JANUARY 10, 2022 AGENDA VIDEO AUGUST 08, 2022 AGENDA VIDEO JULY 11, 2022 AGENDA VIDEO JUNE 13, 2022 AGENDA VIDEO NOVEMBER 14, 2022 AGENDA VIDEO OCTOBER 11, 2022 AGENDA VIDEO SEPTEMBER 12, 2022 AGENDA VIDEO JANUARY 09, 2023 AGENDA VIDEO DECEMBER 29, 2022 AGENDA VIDEO DECEMBER 12, 2022 AGENDA VIDEO City of Haysville | Kirby Shelter Kirby Shelter Kirby Shelter 608 Chatta Street Please contact the HAC at 316.529.5922 between the hours of 8 AM to 5 PM, M-F o r email See calendar here for availability While every effort is made to keep this calendar up to date, please contact the HAC to verify the availability of the facility. Kirby6 Kirby3 Kirby2 Kirby6 1/5 City of Haysville | Justin Bruster Bio Justin Bruster - Ward IV Ward IV - Justin Bruster Term Expires Dec. 2027 316.706.7849 Councilperson Justin Bruster was elected to the City Council in 2023 and has been a resident of Haysville for 32 years, with periods of residence off and on. A graduate of Campus High School in 2000, he holds a bachelor’s degree in Human Biology from the University of Kansas. Following this, he pursued an associate degree in Fire Science from Hutchinson Community College. Justin worked as a wildland firefighter for the San Juan National Forest from 2006 to 2007 and joined the Wichita Fire Department in 2008. Currently serving as Acting Lieutenant, he also serves as an Interim Systems Analyst for Wichita Fire Administration Staff. In 2010, Justin decided to move back to Haysville, driven by the desire to raise his family in the same vibrant community that shaped his upbringing. He has been married to Alicia since 2010, and together they are proud parents of three children. Both are actively involved members of Haysville Christian Church. Beyond his commitment to public safety, Justin has made significant contributions to the local youth by serving as a substitute teacher for USD 261 during his days off from the fire department and helping with scouting in Haysville. Justin achieved the rank of Eagle Scout in 2000 from Troop 895 and has remained actively involved in scouting, serving as a committee chair and now as a Cub Master for Pack 893. In 2024, he is set to assume the role of Southwind’s District Chair for scouting. Through his involvement, Justin shapes the experiences of youth, fostering leadership and instilling values that contribute to Haysville's community spirit and citizenship. Despite his diverse experiences, Justin deeply appreciates Haysville's close-knit community, citing the excellent school system, vibrant community events, and the sense of belonging as cherished aspects. City of Haysville | Legal Notices Archive Legal Notices Archive On September 11, 2023, the Haysville Governing Body adopted Charter Ordinance No. 29 exempting the City from the provisions of K.S.A. 12-1651 and providing substitute provisions which relate to the official naming of an official newspaper. On December 11, 2023, the Governing Body adopted Resolution No. 23-13 officially designating the City website ( ) as the official City newspaper for legal notices that do not require publication in a newspaper of general circulation. All notices meeting this definition will be published on this page. LEGAL NOTICES Previous 1 2 3 4 5 ... 9 Next City of Haysville-Home City of Haysville Once Upon a Time Open Pickleball Haysville Hustle Once Upon a Time 1/5 Join our mailing list Subscribe Thanks for submitting! Legal Notices Water Payments City GIS City Code Forms/ Permits Activity Center Facility Rentals Problem Report Open Jobs Haysville Hustle Customer Portal Fullscreen Page | concept3 City of Haysville | Legal Notices and Publications Legal Notices On September 11, 2023, the Haysville Governing Body adopted Charter Ordinance No. 29 exempting the City from the provisions of K.S.A. 12-1651 and providing substitute provisions which relate to the official naming of an official newspaper. On December 11, 2023, the Governing Body adopted Resolution No. 23-13 officially designating the City website ( ) as the official City newspaper for legal notices that do not require publication in a newspaper of general circulation. All notices meeting this definition will be published on this page. Archived Notices City of Haysville | Community Building Community Building Community Building 130 E. 2nd Street South Please contact the HAC at 316.529.5922 between the hours of 8 AM to 5 PM, M-F o r email See calendar here for availability While every effort is made to keep this calendar up to date, please contact the HAC to verify the availability of the facility. Community2 Community3 Community7 Community2 1/6 City of Haysville | Park Board Agendas Park Board Agendas Agendas for 2024 JANUARY No Meeting FEBRUARY 5th Agenda MARCH No Meeting APRIL 1st Agenda MAY 3rd Arbor Day JUNE 3rd Agenda JULY No Meeting AUGUST 5th Agenda SEPTEMBER No Meeting OCTOBER 7th Agenda NOVEMBER As Needed DECEMBER As Needed Return to Park Board Page City of Haysville | 1% Tax 1% Sales Tax Information Special Question, November 7, 2023 In a special question on November 7, 2023, Haysville voters will be asked to considering renewing the 1.00% city sales tax. This would generate approximately $1.3 million annually. The proposition to be voted on shall appear on the ballot as follows: Shall the following be adopted? Shall a retailers' sales tax in the amount of one percent (1.00%) be levied in the City of Haysville, Kansas, to take effect July I, 2024, or as soon thereafter as such tax may be levied by the Kansas Department of Revenue, with revenue from such tax used to fund a Local Street, Park & Recreation Improvement Program; and provided that such retailers' sales tax shall expire on the date ten years after it is first levied, all pursuant to K.S.A 12-187, et seq., as amended? Read the full ordinance #1106 here . The rationale behind the 1% sales tax is firmly rooted in our dedication to the progress of Haysville and well being of its residents. This sales tax renewal is designed to directly improve three critical areas: Streets, Parks and Recreation. Streets: Well-maintained streets are the lifelines of our community. By allocating funds to street maintenance and improvements, we ensure the safety and efficiency of our transportation networks. Pothole repairs, street resurfacing, and infrastructure upgrades are essential to creating smooth, reliable, and hazard-free travel experience for all residents and visitors. Through the 1% sales tax, we are taking a proactive approach to preserving the integrity of our roadways and ensuring safe journeys for generations to come. Parks and Recreation: Our parks and recreation facilities are the heart of community life, offering spaces for leisure, exercise, and social interactions. With the 1% sales tax, we will continue to invest in revitalizing and modernizing these spaces. Upgrades to playgrounds, sports fields, walking trails, and gathering areas contribute to a higher quality of life for individuals and families alike. By allocating funds to these enhancements, we create a healthier, more vibrant, and united community where residents can come together, stay active, and forge lasting memories. The 1% sales tax ensures that we have the necessary resources to maintain our streets, enhance our recreational offerings, and continue building a city that we are proud to call home. Proposed Solution 1% Sales Tax By continuing the 1% City Sales Tax, the City stands to yield an estimated $1,380,000 annually. This revenue would empower the city to achieve the following objectives: Continue street repairs on a consistent timetable, as opposed to a reactive approach. Continue enhancing public amenities, such as parks, recreation and other public spaces. This will contribute to a high quality of life for our residents. Unlike property taxes, the sales tax generates funds from visitors who make purchases within the city's boundaries. Q: Is this a tax increase? A: No, this is not a tax increase. The City currently has a 1% sales tax that began July 1, 2014 and ends June 30, 2024. This would be a 10 year continuation of the current sales tax ensuring continued funding for essential community improvements and services without introducing a new or increased tax rate. Q: Does Haysville currently have a local sales tax? What surrounding cities currently have a sales tax? A: Yes. The following surrounding communities have a city sales tax: Q: When is the election and who can vote? A: The election is scheduled for Tuesday, November 7, 2023, and will be accessible to all eligible registered voters residing within Haysville, KS city limits. Early voting at satellite sites can be done between November 2 and November 4, from 10 am to 4 pm. On election day, voters can submit their ballots at their usual precinct sites. The deadline for voter registration is October 17, 2023. Q: How much will this tax generate annually? A: Annually, the 1% sales tax is estimated to yield around $1,380,000 in revenue. Q: What is impacted by this 1%? A: The 1% sales tax directly impacts key aspects of our community's well-being and growth. It provides vital funding for essential areas such as: · Streets : The sales tax contributes to road maintenance, repairs, and improvements, ensuring safe and efficient travel for residents and visitors. · Parks and Recreation: Our parks and recreation facilities benefit from enhanced funding, allowing for upgrades, renovations, new HAC equipment, and the creation of new recreational spaces that enrich community life. Q: How will the money be used? A: The 1% sales tax revenue will only be used to enhance our streets, parks, and recreation facilities. This allocation ensures safe travel and a high quality of life for our residents by maintaining infrastructure and creating engaging community spaces. Q: If I have further questions, who can I contact? A: You can contact Will Black via email at or by phone at (316) 529-5900. Q: What is the current maintenance/replacement schedule for roads? A: The current maintenance and replacement schedule for roads in our community involves a meticulous process. Roads are inspected annually to assess their condition, and maintenance activities such as pothole repairs, and crack sealing. Since the beginning of the current City sales Tax $4,361,052.04 has been expended on street maintenance and replacement. Q: What happens if we don’t do this? A: Failing to adhere to a consistent road maintenance and replacement schedule can have far reaching consequences for our community. Roads left unmaintained are prone to rapid deterioration, resulting in increased safety hazards, discomfort for commuters, and potential vehicle damage. Delayed maintenance often translates into higher costs as minor issues escalate. Q: How does Haysville's mill levy compare to other communities in Sedgwick County? A: Haysville’s mill levy is positioned on the lower end when compared to other cities in Sedgwick County. This reflects our commitment to maintaining a competitive tax rate while still providing essential services and investing in our community. Q: What impact does the 1% sales tax have on park and recreation specifically? A: The influence of the sales tax on our community’s recreation and parks system is significant, fostering its ongoing enhancement and growth. This revenue source plays a pivotal role in multiple aspects. Firstly, it has enabled us to breathe new life into our existing parks, playgrounds, sports facilities, and recreational spaces. Furthermore, it provides essential funding for the development of new amenities, exemplified by the creation of Randal Dorner Park, alongside several other notable improvements. Q: How has the sales tax directly impacted our community by supporting important projects and facilities? A: The sales tax has played a significant role in one of our community’s most valuable assets-the Haysville Activity Center. This facility, made possible in part by the sales tax revenue, stands as a testament to our commitment to providing state-of-the-art recreational amenities. The Activity Center serves as a hub for fitness, wellness programs, and community gatherings, enhancing the quality of life for our residents. City of Haysville | Emergency Alerts Emergency Alerts Sedgwick County Emergency Management has built a mass notification platform for all cities in the county to use. The system is more user-friendly and has a lot more capabilities than the older NIXLE system. At this time, the system is open, and you can sign up to receive notifications if you would like to. If you currently subscribe to Nixle alerts, we will stop sending alerts over that platform soon, so we would encourage you to sign up for the new CivicReady system. When you sign up for CivicReady, you will have the option to decide which communications you will receive. It will primarily be e-mail based, but we can also send text messages for more urgent communications. In most cities (Haysville included) the main notifications are: Public Safety Alerts (Police/Fire/EMS situations; may be sent via text and/or email) Public Health Alerts (Boil water advisories, epidemic news, vaccination locations, etc.; sent via text and/or email) Community Bulletins (Festival news, government office closures, local road closures (non-emergency), etc.; email only) You can also sign up for weather warnings if you would like! Click on the graphic above to sign up. City of Haysville | 2022 Council Archives Council Agendas 2021 Council Agendas 2020 Council Agendas 2019 Council Agendas 2018 Council Agendas 2017 Council Agendas MAY 09, 2022 AGENDA VIDEO APRIL 11, 2022 AGENDA VIDEO MARCH 14, 2022 AGENDA VIDEO FEBRUARY 14, 2022 AGENDA VIDEO FEBRUARY 07, 2022 AGENDA VIDEO JANUARY 10, 2022 AGENDA VIDEO AUGUST 08, 2022 AGENDA VIDEO JULY 11, 2022 AGENDA VIDEO JUNE 13, 2022 AGENDA VIDEO NOVEMBER 14, 2022 AGENDA VIDEO OCTOBER 11, 2022 AGENDA VIDEO SEPTEMBER 12, 2022 AGENDA VIDEO JANUARY 09, 2023 AGENDA VIDEO DECEMBER 29, 2022 AGENDA VIDEO DECEMBER 12, 2022 AGENDA VIDEO City of Haysville | Kirby Shelter Kirby Shelter Kirby Shelter 608 Chatta Street Please contact the HAC at 316.529.5922 between the hours of 8 AM to 5 PM, M-F o r email See calendar here for availability While every effort is made to keep this calendar up to date, please contact the HAC to verify the availability of the facility. Kirby6 Kirby3 Kirby2 Kirby6 1/5 City of Haysville | Justin Bruster Bio Justin Bruster - Ward IV Ward IV - Justin Bruster Term Expires Dec. 2027 316.706.7849 Councilperson Justin Bruster was elected to the City Council in 2023 and has been a resident of Haysville for 32 years, with periods of residence off and on. A graduate of Campus High School in 2000, he holds a bachelor’s degree in Human Biology from the University of Kansas. Following this, he pursued an associate degree in Fire Science from Hutchinson Community College. Justin worked as a wildland firefighter for the San Juan National Forest from 2006 to 2007 and joined the Wichita Fire Department in 2008. Currently serving as Acting Lieutenant, he also serves as an Interim Systems Analyst for Wichita Fire Administration Staff. In 2010, Justin decided to move back to Haysville, driven by the desire to raise his family in the same vibrant community that shaped his upbringing. He has been married to Alicia since 2010, and together they are proud parents of three children. Both are actively involved members of Haysville Christian Church. Beyond his commitment to public safety, Justin has made significant contributions to the local youth by serving as a substitute teacher for USD 261 during his days off from the fire department and helping with scouting in Haysville. Justin achieved the rank of Eagle Scout in 2000 from Troop 895 and has remained actively involved in scouting, serving as a committee chair and now as a Cub Master for Pack 893. In 2024, he is set to assume the role of Southwind’s District Chair for scouting. Through his involvement, Justin shapes the experiences of youth, fostering leadership and instilling values that contribute to Haysville's community spirit and citizenship. Despite his diverse experiences, Justin deeply appreciates Haysville's close-knit community, citing the excellent school system, vibrant community events, and the sense of belonging as cherished aspects. Previous 1 2 3 4 5 ... 9 Next City of Haysville | Planning Commission & BZA Planning & BZA The Planning Commission is responsible for: Annually reviewing the Comprehensive Plan to ensure it continues to be relevant Preparing, adopting, and maintaining the Zoning Regulations and Subdivision Regulations Reviewing and making recommendations about planning and zoning issues in the city including rezoning, special use permits, and plats, which are then considered by the Haysville City Council Working with other committees and boards to develop and update various long-range plans and maps to ensure smart and efficient growth for the City of Haysville Planning Commission concurrently serve as the City's Board of Zoning Appeals and is responsible for considering various appeals, variances, exceptions, and related zoning matters. Planning Commission Members Tim Aziere, Ward I - Chair Debbie Coleman, Ward III - Vice-Chair Jimmy Wallis, Ward IV Dan Rinke, Ward II Mark Williams, Ward IV Brandon Trube, Area of Influence Jeff Blood, Area of Influence Meetings Meetings are open to the public and held at 6:00 PM at City Hall on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month, unless there are no agenda items. Planning/BZA Agendas Planning Commission Closing Calendar For more information, please contact the Planning Department at 316.529.5900 City of Haysville | Senior Center Event Calendar Meal Calendar Monthly Newsletter Welcome! Our facility is open for citizens 55+ to visit for a wide variety of programs such as exercise classes (Chair Yoga, STEPS, Drumming), cards, BINGO, dominoes, poker, craft and paint parties, day trips, cooking classes and more! Meals on Wheels and Friendship Meals are available as well. Our goal is to provide a safe environment for seniors to interact with each other within the community. Memberships are available for $5.00 per calendar year. Some activities and outings may require a small additional fee. Haysville Hustle Exercise Classes Recurring Activities Follow Us on Facebook Food Bank and Commodities Live Your Life & Forget Your Age! Kristen McDaniel Director of Senior Services and Transportation Eula McKinley Senior Center Program Specialist 160 E. Karla Avenue 316.529.5903 Hours Monday- Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Senior Center City of Haysville | Legal Notices and Publications Legal Notices On September 11, 2023, the Haysville Governing Body adopted Charter Ordinance No. 29 exempting the City from the provisions of K.S.A. 12-1651 and providing substitute provisions which relate to the official naming of an official newspaper. On December 11, 2023, the Governing Body adopted Resolution No. 23-13 officially designating the City website ( ) as the official City newspaper for legal notices that do not require publication in a newspaper of general circulation. All notices meeting this definition will be published on this page. Archived Notices City of Haysville | Historic Gazebo Historic Park Gazebo Historic Park Gazebo 200 S. Main Street Please contact the HAC at 316.529.5922 between the hours of 8 AM to 5 PM, M-F o r email See calendar here for availability While every effort is made to keep this calendar up to date, please contact the HAC to verify the availability of the facility. Hist_Gazebo1 Hist_Gazebo2 Hist_Gazebo4 Hist_Gazebo1 1/4 City of Haysville | Wastewater Wastewater NOTICE: It is unlawful to open City Manholes. If you see anyone opening a City manhole, please notify the Police Department or the Public Works Department immediately. The City of Haysville is not affiliated with and does not endorse or regulate any company offering or providing water or sewer line insurance. The Wastewater Department is responsible for maintaining and servicing approximately 40 miles of sanitary sewer lines and 980 manholes. Our Wastewater Department is also responsible for the operation and maintenance of the City’s treatment facility. On average, the wastewater facility treats 650,000 gallons every day, but is designed to treat up to 2 million gallons. View and print our “Understanding the Wastewater Department” brochure here View Haysville’s City Code regarding Water Utilities here Sewer Tap Fees The fee for a new connection to the Haysville wastewater system is $500.00. Reporting a Sewer Back-Up: During normal business hours, call Public Works at 529-5940. After hours, on weekends or holidays, please call the Non-Emergency line at 529-5912. **If you are having sewer problems and think you need a plumber, call the Haysville Wastewater Department first. The city can check our portion of the sewer system to determine if you truly need a plumber. This could save you time and money, and helps the Wastewater Department remain aware of possible problems in the area.** Sewer Back-Ups Municipalities generally are not liable for damages resulting from a sewer back up even if the back-up originates in the City’s line. Many insurance companies offer sewer and drain endorsements as a rider to a homeowner’s policy. This rider typically covers both a sanitary sewer backup and sump pump failure. Check with your insurance company for details. City of Haysville | Mayor's Youth Leadership Council Mayor's Youth Leadership Council The Facts What is The Mayor’s Youth Leadership Council? The Council was created to raise awareness and involvement of Haysville youth in city government and develop leadership skills. Members receive hands-on experience in local government by meeting with Mayor Russ Kessler and working with city staff and local leaders. It is the purpose of this Council to develop, implement, and participate in a variety of youth-identified community programs, projects, and events. Who May Apply? Youth selected to serve must attend school and/or reside within USD 261. Applicants must currently be in the 8th to 11th grades. All applicants must maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA. How Many Members Serve on the Council? A limited number of seats are available on the Council. Members are interviewed and selected by the Selection Committee, which consists of Mayor Kessler and city staff. Membership Terms Each appointed member makes a commitment to serve for one school year starting in June and ending in May. Terms are renewable and members may be re-appointed. Members are encouraged to reapply from year to year. New and returning members have the opportunity to develop lifelong leadership skills, build networks, and gain additional hands-on experience in local government. Benefits of Council Membership Provide input on Haysville’s future Provide input on programs, services, and events offered for your age group Learn about the City and Community of Haysville Meet one-on-one with the Mayor, City Officials, and City Staff Establish networks that benefit your future Learn valuable job and life skills Community Service Hours Each member will receive community service hours based on participation level and agreed to by each participating school. For more information, contact: Will Black Chief Administrative Officer City of Haysville 200 West Grand Avenue Haysville, KS 67060 Phone: 316.529.5900 Email: MYLC Flyer and Application City of Haysville | Community Building Community Building Community Building 130 E. 2nd Street South Please contact the HAC at 316.529.5922 between the hours of 8 AM to 5 PM, M-F o r email See calendar here for availability While every effort is made to keep this calendar up to date, please contact the HAC to verify the availability of the facility. Community2 Community3 Community7 Community2 1/6 Previous 1 2 3 4 5 ... 9 Next City of Haysville | Planning/Zoning Planning and Zoning Kailyn Hogan Planning & Zoning Administrator 316.529.5900 The planning and Zoning Office for the City of Haysville serves as a process for guiding the future growth of Haysville. City planning attempts to establish a course of action over the development of the physical environment on behalf of the citizens of Haysville and the Haysville Community. Zoning Map Legal Notices and Publications Sign Code Zoning Regulations Floodplain Management Forms Area of Influence Map Zoning District Chart Plans & Studies The Commission is responsible for the development, implementation, and updating of various long range plans and maps; ensuring smart and efficient growth for the City of Haysville. Comprehensive Plan Master Park Plan Historic District Master Plan South Broadway Corridor Plan South Meridian Corridor Plan Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan City of Haysville | Planning Commission & BZA Planning & BZA The Planning Commission is responsible for: Annually reviewing the Comprehensive Plan to ensure it continues to be relevant Preparing, adopting, and maintaining the Zoning Regulations and Subdivision Regulations Reviewing and making recommendations about planning and zoning issues in the city including rezoning, special use permits, and plats, which are then considered by the Haysville City Council Working with other committees and boards to develop and update various long-range plans and maps to ensure smart and efficient growth for the City of Haysville Planning Commission concurrently serve as the City's Board of Zoning Appeals and is responsible for considering various appeals, variances, exceptions, and related zoning matters. Planning Commission Members Tim Aziere, Ward I - Chair Debbie Coleman, Ward III - Vice-Chair Jimmy Wallis, Ward IV Dan Rinke, Ward II Mark Williams, Ward IV Brandon Trube, Area of Influence Jeff Blood, Area of Influence Meetings Meetings are open to the public and held at 6:00 PM at City Hall on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month, unless there are no agenda items. Planning/BZA Agendas Planning Commission Closing Calendar For more information, please contact the Planning Department at 316.529.5900 City of Haysville | Senior Center Event Calendar Meal Calendar Monthly Newsletter Welcome! Our facility is open for citizens 55+ to visit for a wide variety of programs such as exercise classes (Chair Yoga, STEPS, Drumming), cards, BINGO, dominoes, poker, craft and paint parties, day trips, cooking classes and more! Meals on Wheels and Friendship Meals are available as well. Our goal is to provide a safe environment for seniors to interact with each other within the community. Memberships are available for $5.00 per calendar year. Some activities and outings may require a small additional fee. Haysville Hustle Exercise Classes Recurring Activities Follow Us on Facebook Food Bank and Commodities Live Your Life & Forget Your Age! Kristen McDaniel Director of Senior Services and Transportation Eula McKinley Senior Center Program Specialist 160 E. Karla Avenue 316.529.5903 Hours Monday- Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Senior Center City of Haysville | Legal Notices and Publications Legal Notices On September 11, 2023, the Haysville Governing Body adopted Charter Ordinance No. 29 exempting the City from the provisions of K.S.A. 12-1651 and providing substitute provisions which relate to the official naming of an official newspaper. On December 11, 2023, the Governing Body adopted Resolution No. 23-13 officially designating the City website ( ) as the official City newspaper for legal notices that do not require publication in a newspaper of general circulation. All notices meeting this definition will be published on this page. Archived Notices City of Haysville | Historic Gazebo Historic Park Gazebo Historic Park Gazebo 200 S. Main Street Please contact the HAC at 316.529.5922 between the hours of 8 AM to 5 PM, M-F o r email See calendar here for availability While every effort is made to keep this calendar up to date, please contact the HAC to verify the availability of the facility. Hist_Gazebo1 Hist_Gazebo2 Hist_Gazebo4 Hist_Gazebo1 1/4 City of Haysville | Wastewater Wastewater NOTICE: It is unlawful to open City Manholes. If you see anyone opening a City manhole, please notify the Police Department or the Public Works Department immediately. The City of Haysville is not affiliated with and does not endorse or regulate any company offering or providing water or sewer line insurance. The Wastewater Department is responsible for maintaining and servicing approximately 40 miles of sanitary sewer lines and 980 manholes. Our Wastewater Department is also responsible for the operation and maintenance of the City’s treatment facility. On average, the wastewater facility treats 650,000 gallons every day, but is designed to treat up to 2 million gallons. View and print our “Understanding the Wastewater Department” brochure here View Haysville’s City Code regarding Water Utilities here Sewer Tap Fees The fee for a new connection to the Haysville wastewater system is $500.00. Reporting a Sewer Back-Up: During normal business hours, call Public Works at 529-5940. After hours, on weekends or holidays, please call the Non-Emergency line at 529-5912. **If you are having sewer problems and think you need a plumber, call the Haysville Wastewater Department first. The city can check our portion of the sewer system to determine if you truly need a plumber. This could save you time and money, and helps the Wastewater Department remain aware of possible problems in the area.** Sewer Back-Ups Municipalities generally are not liable for damages resulting from a sewer back up even if the back-up originates in the City’s line. Many insurance companies offer sewer and drain endorsements as a rider to a homeowner’s policy. This rider typically covers both a sanitary sewer backup and sump pump failure. Check with your insurance company for details. City of Haysville | Mayor's Youth Leadership Council Mayor's Youth Leadership Council The Facts What is The Mayor’s Youth Leadership Council? The Council was created to raise awareness and involvement of Haysville youth in city government and develop leadership skills. Members receive hands-on experience in local government by meeting with Mayor Russ Kessler and working with city staff and local leaders. It is the purpose of this Council to develop, implement, and participate in a variety of youth-identified community programs, projects, and events. Who May Apply? Youth selected to serve must attend school and/or reside within USD 261. Applicants must currently be in the 8th to 11th grades. All applicants must maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA. How Many Members Serve on the Council? A limited number of seats are available on the Council. Members are interviewed and selected by the Selection Committee, which consists of Mayor Kessler and city staff. Membership Terms Each appointed member makes a commitment to serve for one school year starting in June and ending in May. Terms are renewable and members may be re-appointed. Members are encouraged to reapply from year to year. New and returning members have the opportunity to develop lifelong leadership skills, build networks, and gain additional hands-on experience in local government. Benefits of Council Membership Provide input on Haysville’s future Provide input on programs, services, and events offered for your age group Learn about the City and Community of Haysville Meet one-on-one with the Mayor, City Officials, and City Staff Establish networks that benefit your future Learn valuable job and life skills Community Service Hours Each member will receive community service hours based on participation level and agreed to by each participating school. For more information, contact: Will Black Chief Administrative Officer City of Haysville 200 West Grand Avenue Haysville, KS 67060 Phone: 316.529.5900 Email: MYLC Flyer and Application Previous 1 2 3 4 5 ... 9 Next
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